Read on to find out what we did in our previous three meetings....
It's interesting to note that the first sin in earth's history was centered around truth and deception. Truth is one of the most important foundations in order to be a Bright Light and remain strong for God. There is much to learn about truth, and being truthful... I decided to divide the "Truthfulness" meeting into 3 lessons, so that we would be able to understand the different aspects truthfulness. Here's what we covered:
Meeting 8, 21st Feb, Part 1:
- Introduction to "Having Your Pitcher Full of Living Water"
- How Rebekah is a picture of the Bride of Christ (the church)
- Knowing and speaking the truth in your heart (Wrong thoughts vs. God's truth)
- Since starting the Bright Lights group in October last year, I have realized that almost all the girls share a common interest: reading. So I decided that we should have book club! Angelyn coined it's name- "Reading for a Reason", indicating that the purpose of the book club is to read books that will encourage us in our walk with God and to be Bright Lights for Him. Philippians 4:8 is the guideline for this book club. At the end of each meeting (during teatime), we will give reviews on the books and share lessons that we have learned.
- Books we have in our club include:

Hopefully we will be able to post some reviews on the blog as well. :)
Meeting 9, 14th March, Part 2:
- Quiet times, reading the Bible as the source of truth
- Ways to deceive
- Guarding against hypocrisy
We had a couple of activities during this "Wrap-up" meeting.
- Review on "Ways to deceive" (because a few girls did not come for previous meeting)- We passed around a hat with slips of paper with different ways to deceive and had each girl pick one, and define and explain how to avoid practicing it.
- The Battle of the Mind: The girls were given a scenario (e.g.: a close friend said something mean, and hurt you) and then were divided into two groups. One group had think of lies of the enemy that would enter the mind and cause you to do the wrong thing. The 2nd group had to look for God's truth (Bible verses) to support their principles and "right thoughts". After 7 minutes, we came together to present their "solutions" to the scenario, and each group had to defend their side.
It became like a little debate, and we all had fun! I think this activity really helped us to see how subtle lies are, and how we need to really know our Bibles to be able to counter them.

The two groups hard at work, searching for truths, and thinking of possible lies.

List of "lies"

Phoebe and Debbie

Presenting their defenses to each other.
- We agreed that reading our Bibles daily is vital for keeping our "swords" sharp and ready. Most of us, however, find it difficult to read it consistently, so I challenged the girls to a 1 month long "read your Bible everyday" accountability project. The goal of this project is to keep each other accountable to daily devotions, and to share with each other what we are learning everyday. We made a blog where we can communicate with each other on this, you can check it out at: Praise God we've made it through Week 1, and are in Week 2 now! :)

Snacks and tea!
l-r: Dawn, Phoebe, Jasmine, Maelodee, Debbie, Peiching, Angelyn and me (Christine)
Looks like you all are having a great time together! Love the book club idea! :) Miss you all!
Sounds like a very valuable exercise. :)
Hi Christine and everyone! It's so encouraging to hear how God is working in your group. How's the Bible reading challenge going? What a great idea. :-) Accountability is very powerful! May the Lord continue to bless and encourage all of you as you walk with Him.
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