So the last lesson was called Accepting the Way God Created You. Hmm,I guess everyone knows what that means!
Christine used an example of two clay dolls my mum and I made; imagine if one doll looked at the other and said,"Hey,why isn`t my hair like his?" or "Why do I have small legs and he gets long ones?"

Now imagine the doll saying to me or my mum,"I don`t like how you made me. My legs look like stumps and my hair`s too curly.It`s not fair!"
I`m not too sure about you guys,but I know I`ve said "Why did you make me like this?!" to God more than once in my life.
And actually when I`m doing that,I`m telling Him,
"you don`t know how to make me look nice.I mean,I look like a wreckage!Why can`t you do better than that?!" Which basically is insulting God,the One who created the whole entire world,plus millions of beautiful species of birds,fish and mammals that are never,never alike in any way.

Also,you never know if God is giving you that particular so-called offensive feature for a very important purpose.
Young Amy wished she had blue eyes instead of her plain brown eyes,so every night she prayed to God that he would change the colour of her eyes.The morning after that,she would wake up,bounce out of her bed and excitedly look in the mirror.But she was disappointed every time,because her brown eyes would stare reproachfully back at her.
So, why exactly did God not answer her prayer? Was He a mean old divine being who had fun making little girls sad? No, God had a very special purpose for Amy`s brown eyes that she had yet to know about.

Fast forward more than ten years. Amy is a missionary in India and she loves it. This is God`s plan for her. She is involved now in rescuing many children from Indian temples, where they are sold into for temple prostitution. On one particular day as she was doing this dangerous task, a few soldiers who had been notified of children disappearing from the temples watched Amy lead the children out. Angrily they marched up to her- but they stopped abruptly. They knew that it was a foreigner that was helping the children to escape – yet here was an Indian woman, dressed in a sari, and she had brown skin and eyes... Because God had given her this “offending” feature, Amy was able to lead the children into safety.
Imagine if there was a little baby who was left on a deserted island and grew up by itself. Do you think that he/she would say to themselves, “I don`t like such-and-such about myself” ? If your answer is no, why?
Because there were no other people for him/her to look at and think, “hmmm, why can`t I be like so-and-so?” We are constantly comparing ourselves to others because there are others for us to compare ourselves to.
The Bible says in Phil. 4:11’ “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
God has made us just the way He intended us to be. And we are beautiful in His sight.
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