Hey everyone!
It's been awhile since I last posted!
Anyway, here's a quick update on what we did during our last meeting which fell on the day before Mother's Day.
I thought it would good to have a special activity this mother's day, and to make a simple floral arrangement as a gift for our mums. Sounds like a fun idea, right? It was, except that I didn't have much experience in arranging flowers! So.... as always, my Mum came to the rescue (yes, even on Mother's Day- shows how amazing she is)!
Before we started arranging the flowers, we had a discussion and sharing about our mothers and how we've been blessed by them. The five questions I posed to everyone was:
- Name something you admire about your Mum
- Name something that she does for you, which you are very grateful for
- Recall one of your favourite memories with your Mum
- Name a few foods that your Mum cooks, that you enjoy
- Think of something good that you inherited from your Mum
Finally, it was time to put the flowers together!

My mum arranges flowers from time to time around our home and as gifts for others, and because she's naturally creative, she knows how to put things together to make them look pretty. :) She gave us all a short "lesson" on how to put together this arrangement.
(We got this arrangement idea from the Better Homes and Gardens website)

Floral arrangement isn't as easy as it looks, but I think everyone did their best, and each arrangement was unique and special!

Busy cutting stems and positioning flowers.

l-r: Jasmine and Phoebe's arrangements and cards.

l-r: Angelyn and Maelodee's arrangements and cards.
I didn't manage to get a picture of Dawn and Sharlene's arrangements. Sorry, girls!

Everyone showing their flowers-in-a-tin.
Hope all of you enjoyed the activity~!
I certainly had fun :)
Look forward to meeting all of you again for our next meeting this Saturday (23/5/09).